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蕎麦スス流 SOBA Su Su Ryu


六本木 Roppongi港屋3
“Minatoya 3”


Warm Niku Soba (Meat Soba) – 1200 Yen



Minatoya used be in Toranomon and drew a lot of media attention, so they were very popular. Their stylish stand-in soba style had many affects to the other stand-in shops, but the shop closed their shop in 2019 which they were missed very much.


When the Minatoya came back to the Roppongi, they were with little style change. They have decided to collaborate with Mercedes. Many questions arose, like why with Mercedes, and how? So, I have decided to try the new shop.


On the East Gaien street from Roppongi, you will find a showroom of Mercedes Benz. Fancy café is placed next to the showroom, and the soba shop was located just behind them.


The black color and stylish and chic design leeks stylishness which you won’t find in regular stand-in soba shops.



The brand-new Mercedes is parked in front of the shop, which sadly I didn’t know what kind it is since it wasn’t a motorcycle (which I understand).


お店に入ると、にこやかなスタッフがお出迎えしてくれる。黒服なギャルソン風で、長身細身のイケメンぞろいだ。入り口で注文・支払い。メニューはひとつだけ。「あったかい肉そば」のみ。“Mercedes-AMG GT Attakai-Nikusoba”が正式名称。なるほど、あのクルマはそういう車名だったのかな? お値段はなんと1200円。立ち食い蕎麦の常識を凌駕した価格には驚きしかない。

Once you enter the shop, you will be greeted by smiling staffs. Their uniforms are black garcon styled, and the staffs are all handsome men. You will order and pay at the entrance, and they have only one choice on the menu, the warm Niku-Soba. The actual name of the soba is “Mercedes – AMG GT Attakai-Nikusoba”, so maybe the car parked outside is the AMG GT? The price is 1200 Yen, which is surprisingly high for stand-in soba shops.


■Soba: Even they are made with some soba flours, their taste and feel were like a Chinese noodle. They are boiled perfectly. Served with a lot of cut seaweeds and sesame seeds.
■Soup: Chicken based soup with little sweet kaeshi(※1). Served with sweet and spicy boiled pork and a lot of green onions. Little punch is added by black pepper and Japanese pepper.
■Topping: Comes with a raw egg.


They say it is stand-in soba noodle, but you can probably call this a dipping noodle. It’s not bad at all, the soup is not oily as it looks. It is healthy and simple dipping noodle. The smell of seaweed is very oriental.


This is my imagination, but maybe the customers who buys Mercedes are in healthy food. Stylish and healthy, maybe they are the reason for the collaboration.



After a while, I added the raw egg to the noodle. The mildness increased, matching very well with sweat soup.



They have a self-service soba-yu inside the shop, where you add soba flour to the cup and add the hot water from the electric pot. Of course, you can add your dipping soup to the soba flour, but if you want to enjoy the flavor of the soba, maybe you should only add the hot water.



Since price is little high, it is hard to try their soba repeatedly, but experience was very inspiring. You should try their soba at least once.

千代田線・乃木坂駅 徒歩3分
営 11:30〜16:00、17:00〜22:00(売り切れ仕舞い)
休 不定休
評価は2点 ☆☆

Tokyo-to Minato-ku Roppongi 7-3-10
3min walk from Chiyoda line Nogizaka station
Open Hours: 11:30 – 16:00, 17:00-22:00 (Closes when noodles sold out)
Closes irregularly
A Two-Star Sobaya

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(※1)Soy-sauce based soup


特集・連載「蕎麦スス流~SOBA SuSu Ryu~」の最新記事

メルセデスベンツ×蕎麦という異色のコラボ。港屋3の「あったかい肉そば」【全国制覇!? 日本の立ち食いそば】

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