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蕎麦スス流 SOBA Su Su Ryu

Hello fellow SOBA (Noodle) Lovers!!
Soba is not yet famous like “Ramen”, but Soba is very reasonable and fast & easy to eat.
Stand-in Soba is a Japanese culture which has long history since the Edo era (1603-1867).
Since everyone will be watching Tokyo in year 2020, so I have selected many Soba-Ya which are great places to eat and enjoy the history of Japanese Soba.Don’t be shy to make noise/sound by slurping soba (Noodles)!


大岡山 Ookayamaよりみち(米次郎)


Kakiage(※1) Soba – 470 Yen



If you know Kannana street, you might know this. On the intersection in Meguro-ku named “Minami” (South), there is a place where wide sidewalks with many Keyaki trees like a small park. You can say there is an oasis on the Kannana street.



You can park your bicycles and motorcycles in front of the shop and look at your beloved vehicles while enjoying great soba noodle. Most of motorcycle riders doesn’t want to be far from their beloved motorcycles, so they have tendency to stay very close to their motorcycles. You can say this shop is the best for soba and motorcycle lovers, a “Holy place of Motorcycles Riders”.



■Soba: Boiled noodle. Blackish, with chewiness and slight fragrance. Very good for already boiled noodle.
■Soup: Mild dashi(※2) mainly made with sea kelps. Kaeshi(※3) with moderate sweetness.
■Kakiage: Already made. Very thick and big, with great satisfaction. Batter with pancake like fluffy feel.



All the tempuras made by the owner Mr. Yonejiro are very tasty with many varieties. You won’t get tired of them even you gone there for many times. Soba noodles are already boiled, and their soups are very light for stand-in shops. Dashi is created very elegantly, so you can drink this soup every day. Nicely balanced soba.




You can feel the Showa like atmosphere drifting from the rusty shutter door and the architect of the building. There is stand-in counter and regular tables with chairs. Most of repeaters eats outside when weather is nice. The feel of the breeze is very nice.


Yonejiro used be in Kagurazaka for 3 years and a half, and then moved to the Ookayama. When I told the owner that I knew the shop in Kagurazaka, he was very happy about it.


He told me that he used to run a pub before the soba shop in Kagurazaka, but it became harder for him to work during night as he aged, so he decided to change the shop from pub to stand-in soba shop. He received training from a formal soba shop for year and half.




There is a sign in front of the shop with the name “Yonejiro”, so most of the customers call the shop Yonejiro, but actual name of the shop is “Yorimichi”.



The shop opens very early, so it will be perfect place to go for early motorcycle ride.

営 5:00〜16:00
休 日祝
評価は3点 ☆☆☆

Tokyo-to Meguro-ku Minami 3-8-8
15min walk from Tokyu Ooicho line Ookayama station
Open hours: 5:00 – 16:00
Closed on Sundays and holidays
A Three-star Sobaya

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※Google Android/iOS対応

(※1)Deep-fried battered mixture of vegetables and seafoods.
(※2)Seafood broth mainly made with Katsuobushi (Bonito flakes)
Katsuobushi is dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna.
(※3)Soy-sauce based soup.


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まさに“路麺ライダーの聖地”。よりみちの「かき揚げそば」【全国制覇!? 日本の立ち食いそば】

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