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蕎麦スス流 SOBA Su Su Ryu

Hello fellow SOBA (Noodle) Lovers!!
Soba is not yet famous like “Ramen”, but Soba is very reasonable and fast & easy to eat.
Stand-in Soba is a Japanese culture which has long history since the Edo era (1603-1867).
Since everyone will be watching Tokyo in year 2020, so I have selected many Soba-Ya which are great places to eat and enjoy the history of Japanese Soba.Don’t be shy to make noise/sound by slurping soba (Noodles)!


小伝馬町 Kodenmachoかめや


Gobou-Ten Soba (Burdock Tempura(※1) Soba) – 390 Yen



Located in the alley behind Kodenmacho Station. It is easy to miss. Unique building which combined two shops together. You can eat same thing in either shop, so for this time, I went to the further one.


■Soba: Boiled noodle, circular and white colored. Soft.
■Soup: Not too strong kaeshi(※2). Softer and mild taste with light saltiness, easy to drink.
■Tempura: Burdock tempura. Already made. Thick chopped burdocks are arranged in parallel cross and deep-fried nicely. Has good taste of burdock. Also comes with a lot of green onions.


This soft and white Soba noodle is made mostly from wheat. For me, I think this kind of noodle is one of the uniqueness of stand-in Soba. The ratio of buckwheat and regular wheat doesn’t decide the quality of the Soba. Fluffy and soft noodles are good too.


The light taste of the soup matches well with this white noodle. Never gets bored with the taste, so makes you want to eat again. But sometimes depending on weather or my condition, I want to have something stronger. This shop provides you with “Soy-sauce for Soba” on the table for that instance.



You can change the taste of the Soba by adding this “Soy-sauce” halfway through to enjoy the different taste. This “Soy-sauce” is not 100% soy-sauce, some ingredients are added like kaeshi. You can enjoy different Soba by just adding few drops to your Soba.



Many kinds of tempuras are stacked inside the case. Everything looks very delicious. Makes you want to put two tempuras on your Soba.



The sign says “Soba, Ramen, and Curry rice”. Their ramen and curry rice are very good also, and you can find many customers ordering them. Maybe they are more then the Soba ordering customers. Also the menu’s ratio tells the same story.



Two shops are combined, bigger shop with paper lanterns and one with yellow sign. Used be two different shops. There is a small square hole between the two, and if you are lucky, you can witness food passing through the whole to the servers.


The quick & cheap stand-in Soba in the ally are businessmen’s ally. You can see many businessmen eating here. You can also see many foreign customers who are attracted to the stand-in Soba. Very energetic and international shop.


日比谷線・小伝馬町駅 徒歩1分
営 7:00〜21:10(奥の店は昼のみ)
休 土日祝
評価は2点 ☆☆

Tokyo-to Chuou-ku Nihonbashi Daidenmacho 4-4
1min walk from Hibiya Line Kodenmacho Station
Open Hours: 7:00 – 21:00 (The further shop only opens during lunch)
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays
Grade: A Two-Star Sobaya

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※Google Android/iOS対応

(※1)Deep-fried battered seafood, vegetables or meat
(※2)Soy-sauce based soup


特集・連載「蕎麦スス流~SOBA SuSu Ryu~」の最新記事

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