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蕎麦スス流 SOBA Su Su Ryu

東京都 港区 新橋 Minato-ku Shinbashi Tokyo.うさぎや


Ika-Kakiage(※1) Soba – 430Yen



Usagiya was founded in 1951 and been in business since. Now, it is run by the family of three. Delicious soup and warm and funny talk of Mrs. welcomes you at the Usagiya. Little far from train station, but the reward is promised for the travel.


They have all sorts of tempuras available. They have two kinds of kakiage(※2), squid and sakura shrimp. There are more than 10kinds of tempura, like burdock, edible crown daisy, shrimp, squid, and mackerel.

■蕎麦 茹でめん。ふわっと柔らかい。白っぽく太め。
■つゆ ダシそれほど濃くはないが、口に含むと本鰹の香りが鼻に抜ける。あっさりめのカエシ、甘み少なめ。おいしい。
■イカかき揚げ 揚げ置き。さくっとした軽い風合いのコロモ、イカの風味とてもよい。

■Soba: Boiled, very soft, white and thick.
■Soup: Not strong dashi(※3), but flavor and smell of katsuobushi runs through when taking sip of the soup. Light kaeshi(※4), slight sweetness, and delicious.
■Tempura: Squid tempura, already made. Light and crispy batter with nice taste of squid.




One day, when I went to Usagiya for lunch like always, Mrs. asked me “How is your appetite?” and as hungry as I am, I answered I’m starving.
Then, she started told me that she has made too much rice balls and so on. As a result, I was lucky enough to receive one salmon rice ball as a service. (I know this is onetime luck).


営 7:00-9:00, 10:30-19:00
休 土曜、日曜、祝日
評価は3点 ☆☆☆

Tokyo-to Minato-ku Shinbashi 5-9-1
JR Yamanote line 10 minutes from Shinbashi station.
Open 7:00-9:00, 10:30-19:00
Closed on weekends and holidays.
A three-star sobaya.

アプリ「蕎麦道なび」でも配信中! 「蕎麦道なび」のアプリはこちらからダウンロード!
※Google Android/iOS対応

(※1)Deep-fried battered mixture of vegetable and squid.
(※2)Deep-fried battered mixture of vegetable, fish and seafood.
(※3)Sea food broth mainly made from katsuobushi/bonito flake.
(※4)Soy-sauce based soup.


特集・連載「蕎麦スス流~SOBA SuSu Ryu~」の最新記事

サクッと軽いコロモがおいしい。老舗うさぎやの「イカかき揚げそば」【SOBA Su Su Ryu】

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