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蕎麦スス流 SOBA Su Su Ryu

東京都 新宿区 西新宿 Sinjuku-ku Nishi Shinjuku Tokyo.永坂更科 布屋太兵衛 立ち食いコーナー
“Nagasaka-sarasina” Stand-in section.


Nikuten seiro Soba – 800 Yen

永坂更科 布屋太兵衛の肉天せいろ


At metro shopping center food court. Above Marunouchi Line ticket stand, from view of underground bus terminal, it might be hard to notice since it seems to be located on second floor.


Nagasaka-sarasina stands in the far corner of the food court, and it is a branch of soba-ya with same name which has long history at Azabu-juban.
Stand-in station was set in front of the soba-ya where they offer soba at cheaper price then inside. There is ticket machine where you buy food ticket to acquire soba.


Soup and toppings are ready at the stand-in counter, but soba is prepared in the kitchen inside. When the bowl of soba is handed by the chef through a hole in the wall between the kitchen and the stand-in area, the customers can get exited to see their soba being ready.

■蕎麦 生めん茹でたて。薄茶色っぽくてやや中太。立ち食いコーナー専用の蕎麦のようです。悪くない。
■つゆ ダシ濃厚、カエシきりり。これはおいしい。さすが老舗の仕事。とても立派なかけつゆ。
■肉天ぷら 上品な天ぷらとはちょっとちがうワイルド。

■Soba: Raw noodle and boiled on spot. Light brown and medium thickness. This type of soba is only available at stand-in section.
■Soup: Strong dashi(※1) with sharp kaeshi(※2), making the soup very tasty. Great job by the hands of soba masters with long long history.
■Tempura: Meat tempura, little wilder and different than usual tempura.

永坂更科 布屋太兵衛の肉天せいろ


The meat tempura “Niku-ten” is one of their speciality. This niku-ten is a tempura with pork and vegetable. It has a thick batter but has great taste. Very different and wild from classy tempuras.


Soba is boiled in kitchen at the back, then toppings are added at the counter of stand-in section, and soup is added to the bowl. Soba is little thick and firm, making expression “pull-in” more suitable.


Soup has nice dashi with smooth kaeshi. The price is little high, but the level of their soup is way different from others. Soup is not spicy, so it is very easy to chuck the soba in the soup and eat casually and easily.


The topping, soba, and soup’s quality and concept of the soba-ya matches perfectly. Each section of the soba-ya, the stand-in and regular section, are next to each other and still able to show their strength and differences. Even it is stand-in, they didn’t make the section like other fast and convenient stand-in soba-ya, a smart decision which shows the wisdom of soba-ya with long history.


Soba-yu is inside a kettle, so you can just use it casually.

永坂更科 布屋太兵衛 そば湯はヤカンで


A sight of food court underneath the department store.

永坂更科 布屋太兵衛の外観


You can sit and eat on left far corner, and not to cry sour grapes but I haven’t been able to eat at that spot.

東京都新宿区西新宿1-1-2 メトロセンター食堂街
休 無休
評価は3点 ☆☆☆

Tokyo-to Sinjuku-ku nisi sinjuku 1-1-2
Metro center food court
Tokyo metro marunouchi line, just oustside sinjuku station entrance.
Always open
A three-star soba-ya.

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(※1)Sea food broth mainly made from katsuobushi/bonito flakes.

(※2)Soy-sauce based soup.


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肉と野菜を厚いコロモでザクッといただく! ワイルドな「肉天せいろ」【SOBA Su Su Ryu】

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